Jordi Massó

Professor of Economics at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

PhD.: State University of New York at Stony Brook (1988)










  • "Individually Rational Rules for the Division Problem when the Number of Units to be Allotted is Endogeneous," by G. Bergantiños, J. Massó and A. Neme. September 2020. Forthcoming in Journal of Public Economic Theory. pdf
  • "On Strategy-proofness and Semilattice Single-peakedness," by A. Bonifacio and J. Massó. Games and Economic Behavior 124, 219-238 (2020) . pdf Corrigendum, March 2021 pdf
  • "On Obvious Strategy-proofness and Single-peakedness," by R.P. Arribillaga, J. Massó and A. Neme. Journal of Economic Theory 186, 104992 (2020). pdf
  • "On Strategy-proofness and the Salience of Single-peakedness," by S. Chatterji and J. Massó. International Economic Review 59, 163-189 (2018). pdf
  • "On Societies Choosing Social Outcomes, and their Memberships: Internal Stability and Consistency," by G. Bergantiños, J. Massó and A. Neme. Theory and Decision 84, 84-97 (2018). pdf
  • "Comparing Voting by Committees According to their Manipulability," by R. P. Arribillaga and J. Massó. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 9, 74-107 (2017). pdf
  • "On Societies Choosing Social Outcomes, and their Memberships: Strategy-proofness," by G. Bergantiños, J. Massó and A. Neme. Social Choice and Welfare 48, 857-875 (2017) . pdf
  • "Comparing Generalized Median Voter Schemes According to their Manipulability," by R.P. Arribillaga and J. Massó. Theoretical Economics 11, 547-586 (2016). pdf
  • "Stable Partitions in Many Division Problems: The Proportional and the Sequential Dictator Solutions," by G. Bergantiños, J. Massó, I. Moreno de Barreda and A. Neme. Theory and Decision 79, 227-250 (2015). pdf
  • "The Division Problem under Constraints," by G. Bergantiños, J. Massó, and A. Neme. Games and Economic Behavior 89, 56-77 (2015). pdf
  • "Matching Markets under (In)complete Information," by L. Ehlers and J. Massó. Journal of Economic Theory 157, 295-314 (2015). pdf
  • "On Equal Cost Sharing in the Provision of a Binary and Excludable Public Good," by J. Massó, A. Nicolò, A. Sen, T. Sharma and L. Ülkü. Journal of Economic Theory 155, 30-49 (2015). pdf
  • "On Cooperative Solutions of a Generalized Assignment Game: Limit Theorems to the Set of Competitive Equilibria," by J. Massó and A. Neme. Journal of Economic Theory 154, 185-215 (2014). pdf
  • "On the Structure of Cooperative and Competitive Solutions for a Generalized Assignment Game," by R.P. Arribillaga, J. Massó and A. Neme. Journal of Applied Mathematics, Article ID-190614, 20 pages (2014). pdf
  • "The Multiple-partners Assignment Game with Heterogeneous Sells and Multi-unit Demands: Competitive Equilibria," by D. Jaume, J. Massó, and A. Neme. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 76, 161-187 (2012). pdf
  • "On the Invariance of the Set of Core Matchings with Respect to Preference Profiles," by R. Martínez, J. Massó, A. Neme, and J. Oviedo. Games and Economic Behavior 74, 588-600 (2012). pdf
  • "The Division Problem with Maximal Capacity Constraints," by G. Bergantiños, J. Massó, and A. Neme. In the Special Issue in Honor of Salvador Barberà of SERIEs: The Journal of the Spanish Economic Association 3, 29-57 (2012). pdf
  • "The Division Problem with Voluntary Participation," by G. Bergantiños, J. Massó, and A. Neme. Social Choice and Welfare 38, 371-406 (2012). pdf
  • "On Strategy-proofness and Symmetric Single-peakedness," by J. Massó and I. Moreno de Barreda. Games and Economic Behavior 72, 467-484 (2011). pdf
  • "The Blocking Lemma for a Many-to-one Maching Model," by R. Martínez, J. Massó, A. Neme,
    and J. Oviedo. Journal of Mathematical Economics 46, 937-949 (2010). pdf
  • "Efficient and Stable Collective Choices under Gregarious Preferences," by J. Massó and A. Nicolò. Games and Economic Behavior 64, 591-611 (2008). pdf
  • "On Two Basic Properties of Equilibria of Voting with Exit," by D. Berga, G. Bergantiños, J. Massó, and A. Neme. Economics Bulletin 4, 1-9 (2008). pdf
  • “Weighted Approval Voting," by J. Massó and M. Vorsatz. Economic Theory 36, 129-146 (2008). pdf
  • "On the Invariance of the Set of Stable Matchings with Respect to Substitutable Preference Profiles," by R. Martínez, J. Massó, A. Neme, and J. Oviedo. International Journal of Game Theory 36, 497-518 (2008). pdf
  • “Some Things Couples Wanted to Know about Stable Matchings (but Were Afraid to Ask),” by B. Klaus, F. Klijn, and J. Massó. Review of Economic Design 11, 175-184 (2007). pdf

  • “Bribe-proof Rules in the Division Problem,” by J. Massó and A. Neme. Games and Economic Behavior 61, 331-343 (2007). pdf

  • “Incomplete Information and Singleton Cores in Matching Markets,” by L. Ehlers and J. Massó. Journal of Economic Theory 136, 587-600 (2007). pdf
  • “An Undominated Nash Equilibrium for Voting by Committees with Exit,” by D. Berga, G. Bergantiños, J. Massó, and A. Neme. Mathematical Social Sciences 54, 152-175 (2007). pdf
  • “On Exiting after Voting,” by D. Berga, G. Berganiños, J. Massó, and A. Neme. International Journal of Game Theory 34, 33-54 (2006). pdf

  • “Voting by Committees under Constraints,” by S. Barberà, J. Massó, and A. Neme. Journal of Economic Theory 122, 185-205 (2005). pdf

  • “On Group Strategy-proof Mechanisms for a Many-to-one Maching Model,” by R. Martínez, J. Massó, A. Neme, and J. Oviedo. International Journal of Game Theory 33, 115-128 (2004). pdf

  • “Stability and Voting by Committees with Exit,” by D. Berga, G. Bergantiños, J. Massó, and A. Neme. Social Choice and Welfare 23, 229-247 (2004). pdf

  • “A Maximal Domain of Preferences for Strategy-proof, Efficient, and Simple Rules in the Division Problem,” by J. Massó and A. Neme. Social Choice and Welfare 23, 187-206 (2004). pdf

  • “An Algorithm to Compute the Full Set of Many-to-many Stable Matchings,” by R. Martínez, J. Massó, A. Neme, and J. Oviedo. Mathematical Social Sciences 47, 187-210 (2004). pdf

  • “Weak Stability and a Bargaining Set for the Marriage Model,” by F. Klijn and J. Massó. Games and Economic Behavior 42, 91-100 (2003). pdf

  • “A Compromise Value for NTU-Games,” by G. Bergantiños and J. Massó. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 56, 269-286 (2002). pdf

  • “A Maximal Domain of Preferences for the Division Problem,” by J. Massó and A. Neme. Games and Economic Behavior 37, 367-387 (2001). pdf

  • “On the Lattice Structure of the Set of Stable Matchings for a Many-to-one Model,” by R. Martínez, J. Massó, A. Neme, and J. Oviedo. Optimization 50, 439-457 (2001). pdf

  • “Single Agents and the Set of Many-to-one Stable Matchings,” by R. Martínez, J. Massó, A. Neme, and J. Oviedo. Journal of Economic Theory 91, 91-105 (2000). pdf

  • “Maximal Domains of Preferences Preserving Strategy-Proofness for Generalized Median Voter Schemes,” by S. Barberà, J. Massó, and A. Neme. Social Choice and Welfare 16, 321-336 (1999). pdf

  • “Strategy-Proof Voting on Compact Ranges,” by S. Barberà, J. Massó, and S. Serizawa. Games and Economic Behavior 25, 272-291 (1998). pdf

  • “Voting under Constraints,” by S. Barberà, J. Massó, and A. Neme. Journal of Economic Theory 76, 298-321 (1997). pdf

  • “Stability of Matchings When Individuals Have Preferences over Colleagues,” by B. Dutta and J. Massó. Journal of Economic Theory 75, 464-475 (1997). pdf

  • "Notes on a New Compromise Value: The Chi-value," by G. Bergantiños and J. Massó. Optimization 38, 277-286 (1996). pdf

  • “A Note on Reputation: More on the Chain-Store Paradox,” by J. Massó. Games and Economic Behavior 15, 55-81 (1996). pdf

  • “Equilibrium Payoffs of Dynamic Games,” by J. Massó and A. Neme. International Journal of Game Theory 25, 437-453 (1996). pdf

  • “Undiscounted Equilibrium Payoffs of Repeated Games with a Continuum of Players,” by J. Massó. Journal of Mathematical Economics 22, 243-264 (1993). pdf

  • “Memory Strategies in Nonatomic Repeated Games,” by J. Massó. Revista Española de Economía 10, 45-57 (1993). pdf

  • “More on the Anti-Folk Theorem,” by J. Massó and R. Rosenthal. Journal of Mathematical Economics 18, 281-290 (1989). pdf