Information Cycles and Macroeconomic Fluctuations: Some Empirical Evidence
Nonlinear Local Projections with Noisy Instruments (with M. Forni and G. Ricco)
Macroeconomic Shocks and Crime (with N. Maffei-Faccioli and G. Mastrobuoni)
Asymmetric Transmission of Oil Supply News (with M. Forni, A. Franconi and L. Sala) Quantitative Economics conditionally accepted. [.pdf]
Common Components Structural VARs (CCSVAR) (with M. Forni, M. Lippi and L. Sala) Journal of Business and Economics Statistics conditionally accepted. [.pdf]
Generalized External Instrument SVAR Analysis (with M. Forni and G. Ricco) [.pdf]
Asymmetric Monetary Policy Tradeoffs (with D. Debortoli, M. Forni and L. Sala) [.pdf]
Is There a Negativity Bias in News Coverage? (with N. Maffei-Faccioli and S. Zoi) [.pdf]
Shocking Policy Coefficients [.pdf]
Reduced-Rank Time-Varying Vector Autregressions (with J. de Wind) [.pdf]
Fiscal Foresight and the Effects of Government Spending (with M. Forni) [.pdf]
Technology Shocks and the Response of Hours Worked: Time-Varying Dynamics Matter [.pdf]
35) Informing DSGE Models through Dynamic Factor Models (with M. Forni, M. Lippi and L. Sala) Journal of Applied Econometrics forthcoming. [.pdf]
34) An American Macroeconomic Picture: Supply and Demand Shocks in the Frequency Domain (with M. Forni, A. Granese, L. Sala and S. Soccorsi) American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics forthcoming. [.pdf]
33) Noisy Monetary Policy Announcements (with T. Dahlhaus) Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2024. [.pdf]
32) The Effects of Monetary Policy on Macroeconomic Risk (with M. Forni, N. Maffei-Faccioli and L. Sala), European Economic Review, 2024. [.pdf]
31) Life-Cycle Inequality: the Blacks and Whites Differential (with G. De Giorgi and C. Naguib) Journal of Economic Inequality,, 2024. [.pdf]
30) Downside and Upside Uncertainty Shocks (with M. Forni and L. Sala) Journal of European Economic Association,, 2024. [.pdf]
29) Nonlinear Transmission of Financial Shocks: Some New Evidence (with M. Forni, N. Maffei-Faccioli and L. Sala) Journal of Credit Money and Banking 56(1): 5-33, February 2024. [.pdf]
28) Macroeconomic Uncertainty and Vector Autoregressions (with M. Forni and L. Sala) Econometrics and Statistics,, 2023. [.pdf]
27) The Asymmetric Effects of News through Uncertainty (with M. Forni and L. Sala) Macroeconomic Dynamics, doi:10.1017/S1365100522000736, 2023. [.pdf]
26) The Effects of News Shocks and Monetary Policy (with C. Görtz, D. Korobilis, J. Tsoukalas and F. Zanetti) [.pdf] Advances in Econometrics, Volume 44A, 2022.
25) Policy and Business Cycle Shocks: A Structural Factor Model Representation of the US Economy (with M. Forni) [.pdf], Journal of Risk and Finanical management, 14(8), 371, 2021.
24) Shocks, Information and Structural VARs [.pdf] Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance, Oxford University Press, April 2021.
23) The Effects of the ECB's Asset Purchase Programme (with A. Musso) [.pdf] [Annexes] European Economic Review, 130(C), 2020.
21) On the Empricial (Ir)Relevance of the Zero Lower Bound Constraint (with D. Debortoli and J. Galí) [.pdf] NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2019, 2020.
20) Has the U.S. Wage Phillips Curve Flattened? A Semi-Structural Exploration (with J. Gali) [.pdf] in G. Castex J. Gali and D. Saravia (eds.), 2020, Changing Inflation Dynamics, Evolving Monetary Policy, Central Bank of Chile.
19) Structural VARs and Non-invertible Macroeconomic Models (with M. Forni and L. Sala), Journal of Applied Econometrics, 34(2): 221-246, 2019. [.pdf]
18) Evolving Wage Cyclicality in Latin America (with J. Messina), The World Bank Economic Review, 32(3) 709-726, 2018. [.pdf]
17) Noisy News in Business Cycle (with M. Forni, M. Lippi and L. Sala), American
Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 9(4):122-52, 2017. [.pdf]
15) Noise Bubbles (with M. Forni, M. Lippi and L.
Sala), Economic Journal, 127(604): 1940-1976, 2017. [.pdf]
14) Business Cycle Fluctuations and the Distribution of Consumption (with G. DeGiorgi), Review of Economic Dynamics, 23:19-41, 2017. [.pdf]
13) Government Spending Shocks in Open Economy
VARs (with M. Forni), Journal of International Economics, 99:68-84, 2016. [.pdf]
12) The Effects of Monetary Policy on Stock
Market Bubbles: Some Evidence (with J. Galí) American
Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 7(1): 233-257, 2015. [.pdf] [replication files]
11) Sufficient Information in Structural VARs (with M. Forni) Journal
of Monetary Economics, 66(C):124-136, 2014. [.pdf]
10) No News in Business Cycles (with M. Forni and L.
Sala) Economic Journal, 124(581):1168-1191, 2014. [.pdf]
9) Macroeconomic Forecasting and Structural
Change (with A. D'Agostino and D. Giannone) Journal of Applied Econometrics,
28(1) 82-101, 2013 [.pdf]
8) The Dynamic Effects of Monetary Policy:
A Structural Factor Model Approach (with M. Forni), Journal of Monetary Economics, 57(2):203-213,
2010. [.pdf] [replication
7) Do Inflation Expectations Matter? The
Great Moderation Revisited (with F. Canova),
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2:183-205, 2010. [.pdf]
6) On the Sources of the Great Moderation (with J. Galí), American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 1(1):26-57,
2009. [.pdf] [replication files]
5) Structural Changes in the US Economy: Is
There a Role for Monetary Policy? (with F. Canova), Journal of Economic
Dynamics and Control, 33(2):477-490, 2009. [.pdf] [replication
4) The Structural Dynamics of Output and
Inflation: What Explains the Changes? (with
F. Canova and E. Pappa), Journal of Money Credit and Banking, 40(2-3):369-388, 2008. [.pdf]
3) The Structural Dynamics of Output Growth
and Inflation: Some International Evidence (with F. Canova and E. Pappa), Economic Journal, C167-C191, 03, 2007. [.pdf]
2) Policy Matters. The Long-Run Effects of Aggregate
Demand and Mark Up Shocks on the Italian
Unemployment Rate (with
B. Pistoresi), Empirical Economics, 29:209-226, 2004. [.pdf]
1) The Real Effects of a Monetary Policy
Shock: A New VAR Identification Procedure, Rivista di Politica Economica,
XII: 149-169, 1999. [.pdf]