Technological Adoption in Health Care – The Role of Payment Systems
This paper examines the incentive to adopt a new technology resulting from common payment systems, namely mixed cost reimbursement and DRG reimbursement. Adoption is based on a cost–benefit criterion. We find that retro- spective payment systems require a large enough patient benefit to yield adoption, while under DRG-linked payment, adoption may arise in the absence of patients benefits when the differential reimbursement for the old vs new technology is large enough. Also, mixed cost reimbursement leads to higher adoption under conditions on the differential reimbursement levels and patient benefits. In policy terms, mixed cost reimbursement system may be more effective than a DRG payment system to induce technology adoption. Our analysis also shows that current economic evaluation criteria for new technologies do not capture the different ways payment systems influence technology adoption. This gives a new dimension to the discussion of prospective vs retrospective payment systems of the last decades centered on the debate of quality vs cost containment.
Colaboración público-privada en sanidad
La colaboración público-privada es un
contrato entre un organismo público y una empresa
privada cuyo objetivo es la producción y/o
distribución de servicios públicos. Estos acuerdos
exigen la implementación de estrictos mecanismos de
control y seguimiento del contenido del acuerdo por
ambas partes. Estos mecanismos de control deben
delegarse a un agente externo a quien las partes
provean la información necesaria de sus respectivas
actividades. En el caso en que se prevea que estos
mecanismos de control no van a ser eficaces, es mejor
no iniciar la colaboración.
Los acuerdos de colaboración público-privada en el
sector de la sanidad se utilizan en todo el mundo como
un mecanismo para mejorar la provisión y la calidad de
los servicios de salud. Estos acuerdos si están
adecuadamente gestionados, aportan beneficios al
sector público en términos de reducción de costes y de
riesgos en proyectos de provisión de servicios de
salud; para el sector privado representan
oportunidades de negocio; y para los ciudadanos
representan el acceso a más y mejores servicios sin
que ello implique mayor presión fiscal.
Technological endowments in entrepreneurial partnership
This paper discusses a novel argument to interpret the importance of thinking of collaborative partnerships in pre-competitive agreements. To do so, we adopt a dynamic iterative process to model technology diffusion between the partners of an agreement. We find that the success of an agreement of a given length hinges around identifying the suitable efficient combinations of the initial technological endowments of partners. As the time horizon of the agreement expands, the probability of identifying a suitable partner decreases, thus justifying the prevalence of short-horizon R&D agreements.
a third party payer (be it a private insurer or a
national health service) contracts with health
providers, the third party payer (3PP) may make
special agreements with a subset of "preferred
providers". The consumers affiliated to the 3PP then
have cheaper (or even free) access to these
preferred providers than to other providers. This
chapter analyzes how providers compete to become
preferred providers.
Contractual design and PPPs for
hospitals: lessons for the Portuguese model.
Transport technologies and Location.
We present a simple model of
spatial competition to analyze the impact of a structural change
in transaction (transportation) costs on the location of firms.
The distinctive feature of the model is the existence of two
markets which are non-connected. This means that a firm willing to
sell in the other market must take into account a fixed fee in
addition to the usual quadratic transport costs. Two different
formulations for quadratic costs are explored, yielding different
results for location analysis. In particular, the principle of
maximum differentiation may not hold depending on the nature of
transport costs.
Preventive health care and payment
systems to providers.
We focus on the
externality resulting from referral decisions from primary to
acute care providers. This makes our analysis complementary to
most works in the literature allowing to address in a more direct
way the issue of preventive health care. The analysis is performed
through a series of examples combining different payment schemes
at the primary care center and hospital. When hospitals are
reimbursed according to costs, prevention efforts are unlikely to
occur. However, under a capitation payment for the primary care
center and prospective budget for the hospital, prevention
effortsincrease when shifting from an independent to an integrated
management. Also, from a normative standpoint, optimal
payment schemes are simpler under joint management.
Negotiation Advantages of Professional Associations in Health Care.
Selecting Health Care Providers: "Any Willing Provider" vs. Negotiation.
Public and Private Provision of Health Care.
One of the mechanisms that is implemented in the cost containment wave in the health care sectors in western countries is the definition, by the third-party payer, of a set of preferred providers. The insured patients have different access rules to such providers when ill. The rules specify the co-payments patients must pay when using an out-of-plan care provider. This paper studies the competitive process among providers in terms of both prices and qualities. Competition is influenced by the status of providers as in-plan or out-of-plan care providers. Also, there is a moral hazard of provider choice related to the trade-off between freedom to choose and the need to hold down costs.
It is possible to achieve the first-best allocation by an appropriate definition of the reimbursement scheme when decisions on prices and qualities are taken simultaneously (that we relate to primary health care sectors). In contrast, some type of regulation is needed to achieve the optimal solution when decisions are sequential (specialized health care sector). We also derive normative conclusions on how price controls should be implemented in some European Union Member States.
On the Effects of Antidumping Legislation.
The Role of Information in Licensing Contract Design.
Bargaining at Variable Rhythms.
Impacto del Mercado Unico sobre los Sectores Industriales Españoles.
Empresas Multiproducto, Competencia en Precios y Localización.
Economía de la Diferenciación de Producto: Una guía selectiva de la Literatura.
Price Competition in Markets for Dichotomous Substitutes.
On Brand Proliferation with Vertical Differentiation.
Can Price Competition Dominate Market Segmentation?.